
Turtles and Pakistan

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HELPING THE TURTLES SURVIVE, is a project of Shehri-CBE, Funded by the Global Environment Facility Programme (GEF) - Small Grants Programme, under the auspices of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Pakistan.

A major factor contributing to the
Green Turtles decline worldwide is commercial harvest for eggs and meat. Other threats include loss of degradation of nesting habitat from coastal development and beach armoring; disorientation of hatchlings by beach front lighting; excessive nest predation; degradation of foraging habitat; marine pollution and debris; water craft strikes; and incidental take from channel degrading and commercial fishing operation.

The primary objective of the project is to develop sustainable programs and activities for protecting the Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia mydas) and conservation and land use management of the Green Sea Turtle nesting beach habitat in the project area through interventions based on the concept of environmental stewardship and participatory management.

The main underlying theme in this project is the identification, evaluation and analysis of the factors that may be the turtle habitat in the project area unsuitable for nesting/hatching and to develop linkages and correlations between the various human and physical variables as they impact directly or indirectly on the turtle habitat.

Collection of the primary and secondary data, organization of data and the subsequent evaluation, analysis and synthesis of the data output to lead to the development of sustainable habitat protection strategies/environmental criteria through concrete conclusions and recommendations. Main focus of implementation strategies resulting from the data evaluation and analysis process to be on the training and monitoring of Hut Chowkidars as Environmental Stewards and suitable amendments in the legal instruments available for managing land use on the projcet area.

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