From 23-12-2013 to 19-10-2014, 174 requests received under KP RTI Act, out of which 100 requests were resolved while 74 are pending. (10-Nov-2014)
The KP information commission has a levied a fine of Rs. 50,000 on the KP Police Department for not providing information under RTI Law to police officials.
In an important policy decision adopted at the conclusion of a four-day plenary meeting of the Chinese Communist Party’s Central Committee from October 20-23, the Party endorsed disclosure as the norm, with non-disclosure as the exception. (04-Nov-2014)
Punjab Information Commissioner Mukhtar Ahmed Ali has given the first punishment under Punjab Transparency & RTI Act, 2013 by ordering the deduction of two months salary of Vehari EDO Education for non-compliance with the provisions of the said act. (24-Oct-2014)
All replies given under Indian RTI by ministries will be posted online, available for access to all and not just to persons seeking the information. Replies to queries will be put up on ministries' website and be available for all to view and not just the person behind the query. (22-Oct-2014)
Ireland has amended its Freedom of Information law to include the Irish police force and the Central Bank in the list of public bodies. Moreover, the €15 application fee for FOI requests has also been eliminated. (15-Oct-2014)
Draft of Federal Right to Information Law finalized for presentation before the federal cabinet for its final endorsement prior to presenting it in parliament.
According to the 2014 Aid Transparency Index, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is the most transparent aid organization, placing it first overall out of 68 major agencies evaluated worldwide.