Shehri-Citizens for a Better Environment was formed in 1988 (based in Karachi City), as a non-political, not-for-profit, non-commercial, non-governmental organization (under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860) by a group of concerned citizens to provide the citizens with a platform to effectively voice their concerns in determining their future and taking action in arresting the deterioration in their living environment and proper reform with a view to improve the same. The organization was formed for the attainment of the following overriding objectives:
- To research, investigate, compile and disseminate information regarding existing laws, rules and regulations and/or contraventions thereof, or proposed legislation, pertaining to every aspect of the environment
- To create public awareness on issues pertaining to the organization and maintenance of a healthy and secure physical and social environment
Shehri’s has succeeded in bringing together on one platform, government officials, academics, citizen activists and the media to discuss issues and seek solutions to make Karachi a sustainable, tolerant, healthy and prosperous city.
This participatory approach has defined Shehri’s advocacy philosophy. As Shehri-CBE has progressed in its work, it has been able to carve out a niche and establish a unique name and expertise for itself specifically in issues related with urban land management.

The Shehri Story
Download"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." — Edmund Burk
Shehri has in place an elected and participatory decision making process and a sound program and financial management system that has received due recognition.
The core decision making body of the organization is the ‘Managing Committee’ (MC) that is answerable to the ‘General Body’ members. The MC members do not receive any payment in any form from the organization. The ‘Charter’ very clearly states that no member of the MC shall be appointed to any of the salaried office, or be paid an honorarium. The members meet at least once every month to discuss organizational matters and review and approve the progress of its undertaken programs. The members of the MC hold office for a period of two years, after which there is a fresh election. The organization properly maintains documents pertaining to financial transactions like balance sheet, income and expenditure statement etc. Annual audit is conducted regularly and the audit report is duly circulated to all MC members immediately after finalization by the auditors. Information regarding capital expenditure, administrative affairs, maintenance of office and remuneration to staff is publicly disclosed. Majority of Shehri’s work is based on volunteer input.
Financial and Program Management
Shehri-CBE has been certified (year 2005) with the Non Profit Certification Award by the Pakistan Center for Philanthropy in the areas of internal governance, financial management and program delivery. Shehri-CBE has also been, in the year 2006, certified to comply with the USAID Management Standards after successfully participating in the Institutional Management and Certification Program implemented by the NGO Resource Center (A project of the Aga Khan Foundation). Donation to Shehri-CBE is approved under section 47(1) (d) of the Income Tax Ordinance 1979.

The Founding Members:
Navaid Husain
(Architect) -
Humaira Rehman
(Architect) -
Barrister Qazi Faez Isa
Late Danish Azar Zuby
(Interior Designer) -
Khalid Nadvi
(Economist) -
Dr. Kaiser Bengali
Zain Shaikh
(Barrister at Law)
Shehri Managing Committee (For the period 2023-2025)
- Chairperson:
Saleka Enver - Vice Chairperson:
Sameer Hamid Dodhy - General Secretary:
Amber Ali Bhai - Treasurer:
Amra Javed (She also represents Shehri at IUCN-PNC) - Executive Members:
Engr. Pervez Sadiq
Hawwa Fazal
Zohaib Zuby
Shehri’s Mission Statement
Shehri’s long term mission is to develop a strategy, which achieves that the environment, particularly the built environment in Pakistan is used and developed in a transparent and participatory manner to ensure supremacy of the citizens’ interest in all matters affecting them. In this regard to apply existing laws and wherever necessary to improve them.
Among Shehri’s objectives are:- Establishing an aware and pro-active civil society, good governance, transparency and rule of law.
- To promote dialogue, assist in the preparation of policies.
- Research / documentation and promotion of effective policies and initiatives on the issue of urban pollution control.
- Research and action to promote initiatives in the areas of Recreational Development, Heritage Conservation.
- Setting up an effective and representative local government system, e.g. capacity building and training.
- Working towards an effective and representative local government system in Karachi.
- Working towards the preparation of a proper Master Plan / Zoning Plan for Karachi city and proper implementation of the same.
- Working towards the establishment of a proper recreational infrastructure for Karachi city.
- Promoting tolerance and, respect of human rights
Certificates Of Shehri :

Memberships :