Member Societies of Karachi Cooperative Housing Society Union
KCHS Union – 25-01-1949 – Reg: S-543
KCHS Union has 28 Societies. It is approved by the Government of Pakistan. The agreement between KCHS Union and the Governor General of Pakistan was made at Karachi,
the 14th day of January, 1954. This agreement was valid for five years and it expired in 1927 after and extension was granted, in which the KCHS Union had to complete development work within
its 28 members of plotting, leveling, sewage, street lights, temporary and permanent water supply, road buildings, public buildings, parks and playgrounds. The total area is Eleven Hundred
and Seventy-Five only acres. Survey numbers 2, 4, 6,8 and 9.
As per minutes of the meeting held on 21-09-2022 in Islamabad, there has been no extension of any agreement between KCHS Union and the Government of Pakistan through the Ministry of Works.
The copy of the minutes is attached below.
Minutes of the Meeting

KCHS Union and the office bearers of the 28 societies are converting, amalgamating, changing land use without any legal authorization. Unfortunately,
the Ministry of Works/Land Lord/Lessor is in different to the lessees who have built their homes on their land. The KDA which is the authority and it was interested under
article 13-A of the KDA Presidents Order 5 of 1957.
KCHS Union was a licensee of the Federal Government through the Ministry of Works who is the Land Lord. These Eleven Hundred and Seventy-Five acres was divided between
28 cooperative societies. All these societies were given specific acreage, they master planned their own cooperative societies and allotted them to their members. There
is no provision in their allotment and lease deeds for change of land use unless it is approved by the land lord who is the Ministry of Works. All these societies are purely
residential and the amenities granted to them are a Hundred and Seven (107) in 1961. The total area of these amenities is 429038 sq yds or there on.
KCHS Union – being a society registered under the Bombay cooperative societies act 1925 (VII of 1925) and having its registered office opposite jail Karachi 5
and thereafter at shaheed e millat road Karachi-5. It is presently housed 144 Justice Inamullah Rd, Karachi Memon Co-operative Housing Society Karachi Memon Society K.C.H.S., Karachi
These are all Urban Credit Societies built on federal land. The owner/lessor being the President of Pakistan through the Ministry of Works. These Cooperative Societies were setup post
partition and built on land given by the Ministry of Works and Services since Karachi was the capital of West Pakistan. The 24 cooperative societies were made to accommodate the various
different ethnicities that came to Karachi after partition.
K.C.H.S. Cooperative Member Societies

What is Urban Credit Society?
Urban Co-operative Credit Society, with the primary object of creating funds for lending money to its members, plays an important role as financial intermediaries in urban and semi-urban areas catering to the needs of the non-agricultural sector, particularly small borrowers. All these societies are registered with the Registrar Cooperative Societies under section
Amenity Spaces in K.C.H.S. Union

Lease Agreement Between Pakistan Employees Housing Societies & Ministry of Works - Form A.
Date: 12 February 1957
This Sub-License agreement called Form A was issued between PECHS cooperative societies and its members. This agreement was entered by what we called the original allotees who bought land in PECHS cooperative society.

Lease Agreement Between Pakistan Employees Housing Societies & Ministry of Works - Form B.
Date: 6 August 1958
This lease agreement lease made between the President of Pakistan hereinafter referred to as the Lessor of the one Part and the Pakistan Employees Cooperative Housing Society. The Lessee was the original first buyers of the plots.

P.E.C.H.S Blue Map.
Date: 10 January 1997

Public notice about illegal constructions in karachi and on cooperative societies on federal land.
Date: 10 January 1997

ACTIONS AGAINST UNAUTHORIZED UNITS/FLOORS Actions Against Unauthorized Units/Floors.
Date: 18 January 2021

Discussion on Karachi Federal Housing Societies
Date: 21 September 2022